OASIS Library


Circulation Control Card Download a Word Document containing the OASIS/Alice Library Circulation control card.
Stocktake Hints Popular stocktake errors:
  1. Reinitialising the stocktake. Initialising for stocktake will reset the stocktake status of any items that you have already scanned. If doing a partial stocktake, be VERY careful to enter the Location range accurately. It is quite easy to enter a range that overlaps another range. I strongly recommend performing a backup IMMEDIATELY BEFORE initialising and then immediately afterwards use B2/H4 - Stocktake Summary to check that you only initialised what you intended to. If you got it wrong, you can restore from backup.
  2. Finalising more than you meant to. If performing a partial stocktake, be very careful to finalise only the location range(s) that are complete. If you finalise a portion of the collection that has not been scanned, all the items will be changed to a staus of Missing. See the advice above.
Loans VERY slow This can be caused by corrupted index files. Rebuild the indexes using I2 or B4/N1.
Borrower refresh from OASIS has duplicated most borrowers Before you attempt to refresh student borrower data from OASIS for the first time, you must ensure that the Student Code used in OASIS Admin has been entered into OASIS Library for each student borrower (B1/A1). The borrower refresh procedure uses the student code to match the student records. Any borrowers in OASIS library that do not have their Student Code entered, will NOT be matched and a new borrower record will be created for them.

Library Extras (v00130 or later) has an option that will automatically update the Student Code in OASIS Library by matching the names. Where the names do not match or ambiguous names occur, you will be prompted to select the correct student